Stamp Camp was yesterday and it was a lot of fun and huge success. Thank you to all the stampers that attended yesterday. I hope you had a really great time. Thank you also to all the demonstrators that worked so hard to make this happen. I had a lot of fun with all of you as usual!
These were all the demonstrators who participated in making it happen minus Beverlee who is taking the picture!
My cousin Niki, Debie, Patty and Angie sticking her head just over top. Middle row..Natalie, Kim, Renee and Karen. Front row Andrea and Me and Beverlee who was taking the picture.
This is a picture of Stamp Camp, it's the morning session and is in full effect as you can see we were all having a good time making all of our projects. We were SOLD OUT actually we were over sold out! I hope all of you who attended camp had a wonderful time. Those who couldn't make it, watch for the dates and times of the next one.